The Picasso Project

A four year project examining the interlinkages between the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and targets, through the use of Integrated Assessment Modeling.

Our Team

Detlef Van Vuuren
Andries Hof
Elke Stehfest
Vassilis Daioglou
Victhalia Zapata
Geanderson Ambrosio
Shridhar Kulkarni
Frederike Arp
Eartha Weber
Our Project


In September 2015 the heads of state, and government representatives  met at the United Nations Headquarters and collectively agreed on a  universal political agenda, achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 sub-targets.

The goals are related to: 

People (ending poverty and hunger),  Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

The agenda envisions a future free from poverty, hunger, and disease.  Tremendous progress has been made in this decade. Since we attempted to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, yet this  progress has not been  inclusive of everyone equally, nor achieved at the same rates geographically. 

How can we accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) goals most effectively,  on time, and what would it take to achieve the goals  simultaneously? What amount of decarbonization, food production, yield  improvement, air pollution control, renewables, and investments are needed to  develop in order to accomplish the SDGs by 2050?